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Verra Group Valuation professionals include AACI accredited members of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. AACIs are required to provide unbiased and completely objective opinions of value.


Current Market Information is used in our reports to provide you with accurate value conclusions.


Proven Valuation Experience is known when you engage the services of an appraiser who has earned the AACI designation after demonstrating years of appraisal experience and excellence in the market.


Standards of Excellence are required with every AACI appraisal report. Accredited members adhere to formal standards established by committees of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. The high standards required in every report has helped the Appraisal Institute of Canada to be recognized as the nation's pre-eminent appraisal authority.


Self-Regulation is key for the Appraisal Institute of Canada. Accredited Appraisers must adhere to strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. AIC members who fail to respect the AIC, the Code and the Standards run the real risk of being called to appear in front of respected members of an AIC national committee and face discipline up to expulsion.


Accepted Reports: Your involvement in a form of arbitration is a serious time. Lenders, the judiciary and government regulatory bodies recognize that an AACI appraisal report provides reliable advice through world-class professionalism.


Proud Tradition: The Appraisal Institute of Canada, with over 65 years of commitment, is the pre-eminent Canadian organization representing real estate valuation professionals nationwide and serving the public interest. The AACI designation is the highest level of accreditation offered and is the hallmark of quality.

© 2024 Verra Group Valuation Inc.

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